TBC 25Vacancies, Oct2024

Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC), came into operations in July 1st of 2007 to replace the Tanzania Broadcasting service in Tanzania (TUT) Which was brought up in 2002 basing on public corruption Act No2 of 1992 on government Notice No 23 of 14th ajune 2002. The introduction of this Broadcasting was a result of merger of Radio Tanzania Dar es Salaam (RTD) was established in 1972 and Television of Taifa (TVT) that was introduced in 1999

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Ongeza nafasi ya kupigiwa simu, Tengeneza CV Bora Kuanzia Sh 4000         CV Bofya Hapa

PSRS the public service recruitment Secretariat is currently  inviting  applications from suitable candidates in Tanzania for 8New Jobs Vacancies. Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC) is the public service Broadcasting company  brought up by government in 2007


Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC)

The company is equal opportunity employer welcoming all suitable candidates to join their working team. All  candidates interested to apply for the position avilable if you are interested please check the pdf below for more information about these vacancies opportunities


One thought on “TBC 25Vacancies, Oct2024

  1. Michael Timothy Mhando, From 🇹🇿 In Dar at Gongo la mboto majohe. +255 766614332

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