Coca-Cola Kwanza Limited Vacancies2024

Coca-cola Kwanza Limited operations cavers 54% of Tanzania lead mass,  the company  focus on the accelerating growth and social development in our value  chain. We focus on accelerating growth  and social development  in our value chain and it is eight largest coca-Cola bottling partner worldwide and biggest on the African continent The company boast diverse pan-African footprint with more than 36bottling plants serving over 600000 outlets...

Coca Cola Vacancies, Oct2024

Coca Cola Kwanza Limited is food and Beverage company in Tanzania with over than 700 employees holding sales of over 3OB unit Cases with Market share to about 55% turn generating sales of about 190Bilion shillings as recorded in Year 2018. The company is subsidiary of Coca Cola Beverages Africa and is largest Beverages company in the world producing the non alcoholic drinks in Africa and world at large The company  is committed in accepting...