Pepsi Tanzania Vacancies2024

Pepsi Tanzania was brought up on April 5th 2001with the manufacturing ability that has been upgraded to ensure breast of market demands in maintaining the huge standard in ensuring the demands of the main company. The company focuses on the best Africa terms of the quality parameters which are as results of operation which is attributed and committed to sales including market ways in which alot of money have been invested so that to ensure the availability and awareness of programs for the brand.  The development of the company  as been as results of efforts from their sales team and marketing team which are committed and have invested much time and money to expand the business

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Ongeza nafasi ya kupigiwa simu, Tengeneza CV Bora Kuanzia Sh 4000         CV Bofya Hapa


Pepsi Tanzania

Pepsi Tanzania is equal opportunity employer welcoming all suitable candidates to join their working team. All candidates should submit their applications via instructions in pdf below


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