NIT 7Vacancies Tanzania, Oct2024

The NIT on behalf for Public Recruitment Secretariat/ UTUMISHI (PSRS) is hiring looking for suitable candidates to join their working  team.  UTUMISHI was brought up as gorvenment organ as independent body to facilitate the Recruitment process of employees into the public Recruitment Secretariat. The body was brought basing on public Recruitment Act No 8 of 2002 in the section 29

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The public Recruitment Secretariat aims to cater for all issues related to Recruitment basing on rules and regulations and ensuring  relations with stakeholders with mission  of using various approaches being led by transparency and equality as well as providing advice to employers in employment process and the way to recruitment basing on employment policies


Utumishi, Bukoba District Council, Kyela District Council, NIT

UTUMISHI which is the public Service recruitment Secretariat is equal opportunity employer welcoming all suitable candidates to join their working team.  All candidates should submit their applications via instructions in pdf below