NBC Bank Vacancies, Oct2024

NBC Bank is the oldest Bank in Tanzania that was brought up in 1967 and it was nationalised when the Gorvenment nationalised all financial institution in the country in 1991. The Bank offers the range retail business, corporate and investment providing banking and financial  services. The bank has been enjoying its banking services by bringing services near their customers in which it has more than 200 Atms across the country

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Ongeza nafasi ya kupigiwa simu, Tengeneza CV Bora Kuanzia Sh 4000         CV Bofya Hapa

The bank has introduced the use of computer services such as mobile banking services which brings freedom to their customers to access their accounts while at home. The company is owned by South African financial company known as Absa Group Limited. The government of Tanzania owns 30% share holding including other companies such as IFC that owns 15% and is member of the world bank

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NBC Bank is an equal opportunity employer in which welcomes all suitable  candidates to join their working team, all suitable candidates to join NBC on this opportunity should submit their applications via instructions in pdf below


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