Muhimbili National Hospital 70Vacancies

Muhimbili National Hospital is medical institution in Tanzania that was brought up basing on parliamentary act No 5 of 2000 with led to Muhimbili Medical Centre and the hospital in which leiter changed Name to Muhimbili University of ahealth and allied sciences (MUHAS). The hospital  has been working across year providing services to more than 1500 to 2000 people in a day

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The hospital currently has beds of about 2178 in which 1500 beds are in upanga hospital while 608 in Mloganzila facility which is about 23km from the main Hospital. The Hospital  is devided in different departments in which are nursing services, Clinical services, quality and clinical services, Human Resources, Finance and Planning, Technical Services, information services including communication technology


Muhimbili National Hospital

Muhimbili National Hospital is equal opportunity employer welcoming all suitable candidates to join their working team.  All candidates should submit their applications via instructions in pdf below


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