MDH Vacancy Opportunities, October 2024

The Management and Development for health (MDH) Tanzania which is non profit organisation that was brought up for the purpose of addressing and contributing to the public Development or public health Development in Tanzania focusing  on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Reproductive, Martenal, newborn and child health including non commicable diseases including health systems strengthening in which the Organisation focuses

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The organization works with Ministry of Health and other partners and other local institutions such as MOH, TAMISEMI  which is president office regional authorities including academic agencies to improve on health access in the country.  The organisation also works with civil  societies, community based and fair based organisation  for the purposes of strengthening access to quality  health services

Management and Development for health (MDH)

Management and Development for health (MDH) Tanzania is today presenting new Jobs Vacancies welcoming suitable individuals interested to apply for the position avilable,  if you are interested please check the pdf below for more information about these vacancies opportunities announced


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