Kilombero Sugar Company Jobs Vacancies

Kilombero Sugar Company Limited is the largest Sugar producers in Tanzania, working under illovo Distiller Tanzania Limited in which is situated in Morogoro  Tanzania in which it comprises two adjacent factors of Msolwa and ruembe. The factory produces suger more than 200000tones which is about 1.1tons of sugar cane per year. The factory in its way to success is based on the company  marketing strategies in which they ensure their customers enjoys direct consumption of brown sugar sold under Bwana sukari brand name.

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Ongeza nafasi ya kupigiwa simu, Tengeneza CV Bora Kuanzia Sh 4000         CV Bofya Hapa

The all sugar produced is as results of sugar cane produced in which is approximately 1.25 per year in which 55% Is cultivated by the factory  and 45% From local growers who are supported by the company through training and development

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Kilombero Sugar Company Limited

The company is equal opportunity employer welcoming all suitable  candidates to join their working  team.  The interested candidates should submit their applications via instructions in pdf below


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