JamiiForums Hiring Content Developer

JamiiForums under collaboration with WiLDAF through the US Gorvenment and USAID working on Wanawake sasa project which is robust three year initial that reckons women and girls in civic and political participation that require the creation and enabling environment via multi sectoral and multi disciplinary perspective. The project will be implemented in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, iringa, Arusha, unguarded and Pemba, which will grow across the all countries.

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Ongeza nafasi ya kupigiwa simu, Tengeneza CV Bora Kuanzia Sh 4000         CV Bofya Hapa

POSITION: Citzenship and Leadership Academy Content Developer 




  • Legally reorganised  and able to work and perform consultancy tasks in Tanzania
  • Masters degree with 10 years experience  in political science, social sciences, law, education, sociology
  • Ten years of experience in field of human rights, gender  and politics, democracy and development projects
  • Compressive knowledge and over 10 years of experience undertaking gender and politics analysis


All candidates should submit their applications at Jamiiforums, submit your  Curriculum vitae, samples of previous relevant work and contact information before 29th October 2024 for more information whatsapp +255 743 440 000

[email protected]

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