EWURA 3Vacancies, Oct2024

Ewura consumer Consultative Council was brought up under regulatory authority Act No 2001 CAP 414 to focus on energy and Water. The instute works in promoting of advocate for the right and interests of consumers to the regulated energy and Water services though public awareness, lobbying and capacity building. The major mission of the organisation aimed to be Organisation that promotes and advocate for Interests of customer of the regulated Water and energy services

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The work of the agency is to ensure presentations of consumer interests, receiving and disseminating information as well as no matters of consumer interest and ensuring establishing regional, local and sectoral consumer committees and consult with them. The Agency focus on establishment of regional and sector consumer committees and consult also consulting with industry and ensure consumer in regulated good and services



Ewura consumer Consultative Council is equal opportunity employer welcoming all suitable candidates to join their working team. All candidates should submit their applications via instructions in pdf below


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