EMEDO 3Vacancies, Oct2024

Environmental Management and Economic development Organisation (EMEDO) is Tanzania Organisation which focuses in supporting societies capabilities to get Organised and it facilitates in the process that analyzes and ensuring over natural resources for the benefit of development of natural resources. The organisation was brought up in 2005 and one year leiter it was registered basing on the Organisation Acf of 2002 under registration Number 00NGO/1771

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The organization works in Tanzania mainland with their head offices in Mwanza near St Augustin University. The organisation works by ensuring the environment and Natural resources that are governed in a just manner that benefits people and biodiversity. The organisation focuses on national and international policies to control the natural resources



Environmental Management and Economic development Organisation (EMEDO) is equal opportunity employer welcoming all suitable candidates to join their working team.  All candidates should submit their applications via instructions in pdf below


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