Amref Health Africa Tanzania is Non profit organisation in Tanzania and working across the world that was officially brought up in 1987 with registration Number OONGO/RI/00318. The organisation was there for more than 35years by emphasising and putting much emphasis on public health in Tanzania working under the ministry of health Tanzania and president regional office regional administrative. Amref Health Africa has been working focusing on...
Jhpiego Tanzania is more equitable with computer room and library for training in which it offers huge range of health professionals with high quality, equitable and sustainable health training working under Motto of quality training for the better society which is vital towards their vision and mission. The organisation is the best health training institute in Tanzania by Catholic Diocese of Mbinga Ruvuma and is located at kituru Village in...
Médecins Sans Frontières As Sellected candidate you will vollaborate with supply chain team leader in defining the warehouse and stock management activities and plan the annual budget so that to identify and optimize the response to the needs of the mission and targeted population. At Médecins Sans Frontières, you will need to monitor and implement of warehouse and stock management work and follow up all Medical and logistics stock...
Vision Fund Tanzania is currently hiring for internal Auditor Tanzania. The position holder is responsible for Primary supervision who works to attend both incoming inquiries and make outgoing call for reconciliation, delinquency testing, dropped out customer and social performance surveys. The candidate should ensure maximum customer satisfaction by supervising the call centre and handling customer inquiries on time. All candidates should...
Danish Refugee Council (DRC) works to ensure the smooth protection ans dignity of refugees and offer range of services including shelter and access to clean water and sanitation, food distribution, healthcare, education and livelihood support. Danish Refugee programs focus to empower the communities in building their lives and integrate into their communities. One of major ams of Danish Refugee Council is to foster local integration and...
PSI Tanzania organization was brought up in 1970 so that to improve on health care by using commercial marketing ways to over 50 countries to fight Malaria, family planning, HIV, Diarrhea? Pneumonia and ensuring sanitation. The Organisation headquarters are in Washington were it works with local governments and ministries of health The organization is the Wold leading non profit social Marketing Organisation, today has anounced Jobs in...
SNV Tanzania has been in operations since 1971 working in different areas of the country which will be mentioned leiter in which it was founded in Netherlands in which it has created long term availability extending its operations in poor Counties in continents of Africa, Asia including Latin America. In Tanzania it is working in Arusha, Dar esSalaam, Mbeya and Dodoma. The organization works with global and local team focusing on the...
Swisscontact is Non governmental Organisation that has been in operations since 1979 in Tanzania working to contribute to Gheorghe inclusive economic growth of the country and strengthening of the private sector so that to ensure better lives of youth. The organisation has been working to focus on on its goal of setting and improving of prospects to youth employment in which it has been supporting the transformation of NGI sector in Tanzania...
Africa Evangelist enterprises Tanzania is evangelical Christian non governmental humanitarian organization that was brought up in 1984. The Organisation works with every group in the community forexample youth, children and women to make long lasting impact in their lives through translating good news of Christ. AEE Tanzania I member of Christian Pentecostal Churches in the country and council of bishops in Tanzania including other Christian...
Sightsavers Tanzania is an organization that work on Advocating for women, girls right for those with disabilities that aims to improve on local health services and ensuring are sustainable. The organisation has been working for more than 70 years with experience qnd proud to become leader The organization works on treating eye conditions that ensure to cataracts and work on debilitated disease that leads to sight loss. The organisation works in...
Twelve 21 Global is the organisation that works to rescue street children, the same story from the founder yisuph who experienced hopelessness at the deepest level in which he was abandoned by his father were he slept in streets and could not afford School and experienced deep depression. GOD miraculously saved him from suside acts and leiter his live was transformed Today Youth calls to share the hope with nations. The organisation is currently...
Environmental Management and Economic development Organisation (EMEDO) is Tanzania Organisation which focuses in supporting societies capabilities to get Organised and it facilitates in the process that analyzes and ensuring over natural resources for the benefit of development of natural resources. The organisation was brought up in 2005 and one year leiter it was registered basing on the Organisation Acf of 2002 under registration Number...
CARE Tanzania is much known for unshakable commitment to the dignity of people and empowering of the most marginalized and vulnerable rural women and girls to exercise their rights. Basing various projects such as Our Planet project funded by Global Affairs Canada that aims to add chance to empower women and girls youth in the gender responsive and ecosystem sensitive agricultural sectors in five districts of two SAGCOT’s geographic priority...
Aqua Farms Organisation (AFO Tanzania) is committed on contribution to the achievement of sustainable development goals which are as follows; No poverty, zero hunger, good health and well being, climate Action and Below water. The organisation focus on enhancing acess to glod and income in the community by doing research, Training, workshops and working together with fisheries The organization was brought up in 2016 by 13 members who...
Aga Khan Foundation was brought up in 1980 with aim of improving access to high quality education in the maximised communities in Tanzania, Kenya , Zanzibar and Uganda. The has been working with the local staff in driving force creating affordable, high quality ealy childhood development programs since passed years. The Organisation works with stakeholders to deliver intervations for children ages that have been working near gorvenment to...
Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) is non governmental Organisation that was brought up in 1989 and it was initiated basing on Act of 1990. The organisation focuses on controlling and safeguarding against violence to women and children that hinder many families in the country. The organisation also talks and addresses violence against women and girls The organization works basing on NGO Act of 2002 in which it aims to be the...
Ndoto In Action is Tanzania non governmental Organisation that works to empower children and girls in rural areas of the country by ensuring they get access to quality education in breaking cycle of poverty. Ndoto came from Swahili word "Ndoto" that means Dream and the word Action is aim to transform poor children dreams into reality The organization works in partnership with rural communities in area such as Arusha Tanzania in areas with no...
UNHCR is International Organization which is dedicated of the saving lives and protecting rights of people to their better life. The organisation works in protecting refugees, displaced communities including stateless individuals in which it was brought up by the general assembly of the United Nations in years of 1950 after World War two through helping millions of people that have lost their homes The organization works in more than 130...
International Migration Organization Migration ( IOM) is known as gorvenmental Committee for migrants movement to Europe in which it was brought up in 1951 before the second World War. The Organisation was set to focus on the natural disasters as it was in the past half century forexample those in Hungary, Chile , Vietnam, Kuwait, czechoslovakia, Pakistan that happened between 1956 to 2005. These natural calamities and wars led to huge...
Power Providers is Tanzania energy provider that was brought up in 2007 and is older in developing energy specific market ways. The organisation works to ensure access to the national development of renewable energy in Tanzania which has made the organisation to provide good and renewable energy to their customers through the use of appropriate technology The organization uses trained and skilled professionals who listens and understands the...