Call for Work/Kuitwa Kazini at UTUMISHI

The recruitment secretary/Utumishi wold like to inform all applicants that sat for interviews that you have been successful chosen for work that your names have been listed in this pdf document.  These names are not only to those who did the interviews but also others that was in their database in various candies that have been assigned work place after the gound chance . All candidates that have passed the interviews are required to take their letter to their work stations

Jiunge na Wengine WhatsApp Channel Bofya Hapa
Ongeza nafasi ya kupigiwa simu, Tengeneza CV Bora Kuanzia Sh 4000         CV Bofya Hapa

The letter will be picked from the Secretariat of employment office at the University of Dodoma (UDOM) at premises of Dr Eose Mingiro at reception area in seven days from today if late the letters will not be found hence will be sent in your postal address. In addition all successful candidates must report to the assigned job areas specifically to the employer  in required time as specified in work letters assigned with your original certificates from form four onward so that they can be assessed by the employer



All candidates should check the pdf below and download the pdf for more information and instructions about your names .


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