
General Knowledge of WindSock: Uses and Importances

Windsock au Soksi za Upepo ni kifuata upepo au koni ya upepo. Ni mfano wa mfuko wa duara uliotengenezwa kwa kitambaa maalum chenye umbile la mfano wa Soksi kubwa. Windsock inaweza kutumika kama mwongozo wa msingi kuhusu uelekeo wa upepo na kasi sio kwenye viwanja vya ndege, bali hata kwenye viwanda hasa vya kemikali ambapo hutumika kutazama uelekeo hasa wakati wa hatari ya kuvuja kwa gesi. Marubani na waongoza Ndege hutumia kifaa hiki na vingine...

Matokeo Kidato cha Nne: NECTA Form IV results 2024/25

Today January 23, NECTA has released NECTA Form IV results/Matokeo Kidato Cha Nne, special for all candidates that sat for these results in 2025. These results means allt to students and parents contribution in the all four years of secondary school Journey in which they reflect their performance to see if they qualify to be awarded the O-level certificate. These results  official announcements have been released today January 23 2024 via NECTA...

Kubwa Katika Magazeti Tanzania Leo-January 2025

Today best Tanzania News papers titles|Magazeti Tanzania Leo. Today is January 22 of 2025. Various sites and news papers have written big news titles that could blow your mind.  Many News papers have written about Chadema Elections that is taking place, the battle between Freeman Mbowe and Antipas Tundu lissu. This is the popular to pic in Tanzania  in which the chadema party followers are waiting to see the candidate that will win in the to...

Matokeo Ya NECTA: Darasa la Nne/Standard Four 2024/25

For those who have been  waiting for Standard Four NECTA results/Matokeo ya NECTA, are now Out and have been advised across the country.  It is your chance now to see your children and school achievement in the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA). These Examinations aim at assessing standard four pupils understanding so that they can be rolled out to Standard five hence determining their academic path and achievement Recommended...

Matokeo NECTA Form Two Results2024/2025

Here are NECTA Form Two Results for the academic year 2024/2025 released by the National Examination Council Tanzania (NECTA), an ageny that was brought up by a gorvenment to conduct National Examinations at secondary level. It was brought basing on parliamentary Act of 1973.  The establishment was as results of East Africa Examinations Council that was the first to be establishment and Could cater for all candidates in East Africa who were...